
Letterpress game
Letterpress game

But the difference is that the rapid-fire approach can get heated quickly, leading to more moves based on gut feeling and less on calculated strategy. This works less well for bathroom play, since those longer sessions could mean pruney skin. While the game itself is asynchronous, I often find myself in prolonged sessions with other players, where we'll begin and end a game (or two) in a single sitting.

letterpress game letterpress game

Where we definitely agreed was that it's totally worth risking a lead to play a really funny word. Arguments were made for word-based play, and arguments were made for tile-and-location-based approaches.


During a recent conference, a friendly rivalry with another tester turned into a passionate conversation about strategy and how to dominate the board. It's interesting to see the word choices your opponents make, and during the beta period it became clear that different people have very different styles of play. Each word must consist of at least two letters, and no word can be re-played. In this case, the letter can still be played, but no points transfer.

letterpress game

Things get slightly trickier when the letters on the four sides of a played letter are also played in the same color, when the lock-in effect causes the center to go darker. As you do, those letters are colored in-blue for your letters, red for theirs-and each move steals letters back, affecting the letter-count score at the top of the screen. You and your opponent have full visibility to the board, and must make words out of the letters provided. A five-by-five grid of letters is laid out on the screen.

Letterpress game